5 New MemberSites Every Business Needs Now

Here are the valuable links to the 5 free high-quality membersites that you want to check out right away to learn what you need to know now!

1-Traffic Generation secrets with the Traffic Generation Club

2- List Building hungry buyers with the eMarketers Club

3- Affiliate Marketing money secrets with the Affiliate Profits Club

4- Work At Home Secrets with the Web Profits Club

5- Self Improvement and Success Mindset with the Success Upgrade site

Thank you for your loyalty, dedication, and support to yourself and your business. Like me, you are probably always looking for information to improve and grow yourself and your business. Since we are all really in the information marketing and publishing business, we all share the interest and need to improve ourselves and our businesses in these key information marketing subjects:

- Traffic Generation
- List Building
- Affiliate Marketing
- Working At Home
- Self Improvement & Success Mindset

You can learn those topics in many different places, like forums, blogs, books, newsletters, ezines, ecourses, ebooks, videos, audios, podcasts, and more.

You've probably tried some of these learning sources and gone from one course to another without ever really taking action and applying yourself in what's been taught and learned.

Now there are 5 high-quality membersites you can join here for free right now that normally sell for $27 each. You have no monthly payment, no recurring fees... and complete access as an interested, interesting, and loyal business owner and subscriber.

Each one of our high-quality membersites are full of solid content for each of these internet information marketing topics: Traffic Generation, List Building, Affiliate Marketing, Working At Home, and Self Improvement & Success Mindset.

Each membersite includes Member PDF books, audios, videos, reviews, expert opinions, and more to come.

Although these membersites are now free through our association, do not underestimate the high-quality content and value provided. True value is always measured by what you do and the action you take with any content.

But you must invest some of your time, join one or all of these free valuable membersites, review the great content on each site, and take imperfect but consistent action for you and your business.

We can possibly conduct webcast video conferences as you find the need about these membersites through our Seniors Internet Success MasterMind social network site. You can also access each of these membersites through this social network. But what's importatnt to you and us is that you take action and see the value for yourself!

Just wanted to remind you that the $27 entry fees are being waived for each membersite through the links above and your association with us.

Do enjoy your experience with the ebooks, audios, videos, and other valuable information at each of these membersites. Take some valuable personal notes, and, of most importance... take action for you and your business success.

Aloha & Mahalo/Thanks
Martin K Pe'a
Hawaii Information Marketer & Publisher

Click Banner. Watch Video.

Wordpress Membership Sites Made Easier?

We all love WordPress because it's so simple, flexible, and easy to use and update. And for membership sites, it may have just gotten easier.

If you've been thinking about how to create a full-blown membership site using WordPress, then you'll want to take a good look at these videos.

Long story short, research led me to these free videos which explains everything you need to know.

Enjoy! These videos demonstrate 1 type of membership site but you'll quickly see a lot of other possibilities.

Aloha & Mahalo/Thx
Martin K Pe'a
Hawaii Information Marketer & Publisher

Marketing Main Event 4 Is LIVE NOW!

Marketing Main Event 4, a major Membersite Makeover 4 Everyone, is LIVE today, from 8 am EST through July 21, 2009. It has to take the prize for 'most insane value' launch ever seen.

Check out all the details on the complete sales letter now.

You'll thank your lucky internet stars for this, so do yourself a *HUGE* favor and check this out right away!

... Don't bother to read the sales letter, don't even think twice, just scroll down to the 'buy' button and hit it as hard as you can.

Yep - It's that good. And once the masses see this it could be over in the blink of an eye

It's just crazy to think that these guys created this because they didn't want to write up a training course - just go see for yourself.

Go see for yourself what the Marketing Main Event 4 is really all about. It may just change your internet success and business profits in free premium membership sites, online business tools, information marketing & publishing, making money online, affiliate marketing, traffic generation, list building, mindset and success.

Using Bonuses to Increase Customer Conversions

Mahalo/Thanks to Simon Hodgkinson & Jeremy Gislason for sharing their wisdom & experience.
Learn More About Conversion Bonuses Here.

Your website can have one million "eyeballs" checking it out, but if the visitors don't become customers, then those eyeballs are worth very little. You must pay attention to conversions in your businesses to survive.

In general, the basic ecommerce formula works like this:

Step One: Drive traffic to the website.

Step Two: Convert those eyeballs to leads.

Step Three: Convert leads to customers.

Step Four: Generate repeat purchases.

Bonus products are an essential variable in this formula. However, offering bonuses isn't just putting the words "But wait - there's more," in your offer. The key is to know what types of bonuses will have the strongest effect on your prospects.

1. The Eyeballs to Conversions Process.

As a business owner, you have several tasks to make your business successful. First, you must drive traffic to your website. In addition, once you have website visitors, you must convert those visitors into clients or customers. While a lead does not necessarily equal a sale, it does equal a future potential sale. Once you have a prospect's name and email address, you're able to move into step two - converting them to customers and making sales.

Bonus products work very well as a tool to build this opt-in list and free giveaways in exchange for an email address are a common lead generating tool. What you offer and how you offer it largely depends on your target audience.

In cases where you're selling an expensive product, a substantial bonus product or a series of bonus products can help convince your prospects that they're making the right decision.

You can use bonuses to build your sales in a number of alternative methods. Here are just a few ideas to get your creative juices flowing:

One way to do this is to tier rewards so that the more the customer buys, the more bonuses the customer receives - for example, increasing membership status from silver to gold and gold to platinum.

Consider giving away bonuses to customers who help you build your opt-in list. For example, you could reward every email a friend gives leads toward a bonus.

Consider giving away bonuses to prospects and customers who are active and participate in your online community.

2. Why Do Bonuses Work?

In general, bonuses are defined as products or services you give away to incite a purchase, a subscription, a referral, or even an opt-in. You're probably very familiar with bonus items, so let's take a look at why they're so effective. Bonuses tap into several psychological triggers, including:

Reciprocity. Reciprocity is the tendency we have as people to respond to something in kind. Bonuses are the epitome of positive reciprocity. Customers receive a free guide, a free video, a free e-book as an opt-in bonus now they're feeling grateful.

Commitment and Consistency. Psychologists tell us that we're more likely to say yes to something big if we've already said yes to something smaller. In short, it gets your prospects in the habit of saying 'yes'.

Liking. Who doesn't like someone who gives them something for free? People buy from companies they like, and from personalities they relate to.

Scarcity and Urgency. Use a limited bonus or give an extra bonus to customers who act quickly. It motivates people to purchase now rather than wait and possibly change their mind.

3. How to Create Bonuses for Your Target Market.

Even though your business may involve a niche topic, your customers are probably diverse and have diverse personalities, interests, and technological capabilities. We all have our own motivations and behaviors influenced by our personality. Learning to meet the needs and wants of the characteristics can help you create bonuses that cover a range of personalities. Keep in mind that your customers will likely include many or all of the following:

Emotional Personalities - Many of these people make decisions based upon their feelings.

Thinking Personalities - These are the people who like to plan, schedule and solve situations.

Extroverted Personalities - These are the folks who tend to be open and comfortable in new environments.

Introverted Personalities - These want to take it slower and make personal connections.

Intuitive personalities - They have a natural ability to think outside the box.

Remember that each prospect has their personality. Give them options and consider creating one great bonus to be packaged in a number of different formats.

4. Creating Your Bonuses.

This is where many people drop the ball - they throw together sloppy bonuses or simply by resell rights to something that's been distributed by a million other websites - in short, they stop taking their prospects into consideration.

Let's take a look at three primary ways you can create eye catching and valuable bonuses.

Resell Rights/PLR: The internet is full of companies and websites that mass-produce bonuses for you to give away on your own website. Although these can be beneficial, they can also be a slippery slope. You want to have bonuses unique to your niche and specific to your products or services.

Creating Your Own Product: While creating your own eBook, video tutorial or software program can be a bit of work, it can also be tremendously rewarding and you'll be sure you're creating the quality products your prospects and customers deserve. If you already have a stockpile of great content, you can repurpose it to create new and valuable bonus products. Creating multiple bonuses from one packet of information is a great way to accomplish that task.

Outsource The Job: Hire A Company Or Individual To Develop Your Bonuses. When outsourcing there are a few success tips: Determine in advance exactly what you want the freelancer to accomplish. Outline your project in advance - it will ensure communication is clear and the project is done the way you want.

Armed with this information, you can start planning and preparing the bonuses that will give you more paying customers.

Mahalo/Thanks again to Simon Hodgkinson & Jeremy Gislason for sharing their wisdom & experience.
Learn More About Conversion Bonuses Here.

Secret Ninja Tactics to Building a Better Mouse Trap or MemberSite

Mahalo/Thanks to Simon Hodgkinson & Jeremy Gislason for sharing their wisdom & experience.
Learn More About MemberSite Secret Ninja Tactics Here.

In a previous article, we talked about how you can best use the "Freemium" model for business success. In this article, we're going to discuss some of the tactics and strategies (we refer to these as "Secret Ninja Tactics") to significantly increase the response rate on your already successful Freemium based sites. The Freemium model will make you money, but using these Secret Ninja Tactics could double or triple that amount.

1. "Hide" Your Free Entry Point

The first Secret Ninja tactic is to hide the fact that your "entry point" is free. Why would you want to make it harder for people to get your information? First, people often associate the word 'free' with 'no value'. You certainly don't want this. In fact, the word "free" probably shouldn't appear anywhere on your website.

In addition, if someone visits your site and find that it's totally free to sign up, then they might think "Hmmm.... I can sign-up anytime, and it's free. There's no rush - I'll just come back later." At that point you've probably lost them forever.

So they'll see that there's a fee to access your site (reaffirming the value of your products), and you'll put the "free access" page somewhere deeper in your website structure. The next step is to only grant access to your free sign-up page when someone does something for you first.

2. Start Building a Relationship Through a Little "Work"

Here are some examples of what you might do to make the customer work to find the free entry point:

Make them buy a product (this can be anything but it works best if it's something low price or low risk).

Make them buy a product via an affiliate link (again, this should be something low in price and risk).

Make them sign-up to one of your newsletters (and confirm their opt-in).

Make them post a comment to your website blog.

Make them join another one of your network sites (which might be a free sign-up).

Make them solve some kind of puzzle or riddle (even simple Flash-based jigsaw puzzles can be very effective).

Make them Tweet something for you

Making it a little harder to get to the free content does three things:

First, requiring some action reinforces the perception of value. Since they have to do something to get your product, the offer is no longer "free".

Second, making the prospect jump through a hoop lays the foundation for a sense of mutual reciprocation. They do something for you, then you give them a "gift", and now it's their turn again.

Third, structuring things this way forms a relationship. That person has to meet you at a point that's beneficial to you both - you're communicating and getting to know each other.

Each of these concepts contributes to what happens next - when you make them an offer to access the "premium" content of your website.

3. Reclaiming the Lost Upgrades

Your goal, ultimately, is to sell premium content to your free members. But you'll always have a number of visitors who won't take you up on your initial sales offer. So I'll outline a few of the Ninja Tactics you can do to persuade people to upgrade at some point - these can be great to recover these "lost upgrades".

If you can send your new website visitors three or four messages in the first week after their initial visit, then you'll persuade a number of them to upgrade and that'll increase your conversion rate.

Structure your free content as "part one" of a series. When you make it a natural lead in to "part two" (the paid information), your conversion rate will increase.

Curiosity will beat the "hard sell" - get your visitors hungry for the information that you haven't given them yet, and they'll want to pay to access it.

4. Let Them See, But Don't Let Them Touch (Yet).

Using specialized software like MemberSpeed can help you make the digital equivalent of a salesman's "puppy dog close".

An unpaid member can see the links to the premium content, but when they click on it, they see a page that says "Sorry, you're still a free member" and "You need to upgrade your membership access that material." It's almost like holding the puppy in the pet store - once you get close to taking it home, it's hard to let go. So you end up buying.

5. Stop Making Your Premium Content a "One-Time" Offer.

Think about why people might not sign up on the original offer. Perhaps when they first joined the site they didn't have the budget for a paid membership. Maybe they first needed to see the free content to evaluate it. Or maybe it's taken some time, but now they trust you enough to purchase.

So instead of just a "One-Time" offer, give this a try - say something like "As a welcome offer we'd like to give you a 20% reduction off the cost of upgrading today - CLICK HERE"... However you can also upgrade later directly inside the member's area." Sometimes making something a one-time offer will work against you.

6. Envy is a Powerful Motivator

Another Ninja Tactic is to make your free members envious. Let them see what kinds of things you're giving more to your paid members. One way to do this is email your entire membership database (both the paid and free users) a new piece of valuable content.

The key is to make sure your free members get to see what they're missing out on. Nobody wants to be the person who loses out. It's very powerful - Just remember to be subtle. Don't smack people in the face with it - but make sure they know they're not getting the same perks and advantages.

Mahalo/Thanks again to Simon Hodgkinson & Jeremy Gislason for sharing their wisdom & experience.
Learn More About MemberSite Secret Ninja Tactics Here.

Use Freemium Model of MemberSite Marketing For Business Success

Mahalo/Thanks to Simon Hodgkinson & Jeremy Gislason for sharing their wisdom & experience.

In this article, we're going to discuss "membership marketing", and how it's almost a requirement for a successful website. If you're selling anything online, whether it's ebooks, digital products or anything of that sort, then the membership system we discuss below can deliver those products in the most effective and profitable way.

Business Success Means Avoiding Churn and Increasing Revenue Per Customer.

To be a business success, you'll need to avoid is customer churn (or "turnover"). If you get 100 new members, but 99 of them quit after 30 days, it'll be hard for your business to survive. In a membership context, it's the period of time someone will keep paying their membership fees. So while it's vitally important to constantly acquire new customers, it's just as important to maximize the revenue of each customer you already have. So what we're talking about is the backend, and the marketing funnel you have in place.

With a subscription membership model - where you have a recurring billing system in place - the backend is the recurring fee itself. The issue becomes keeping people as members of your membership sites.

Let's see how this plays out in the context of three popular business models:

Traditional Product Sales

Let's first consider the traditional Internet marketing (publishing and sales) model, which is used by most online business owners. In this model, you create a product and a sales page, drive traffic to that page, and hope the traffic converts into sales. The average for that conversion rate is somewhere around 1% to 2%.

Assuming you have a $37 product at a 2% conversion rate, it means that for every hundred people you send to that page you're going to sell two of those products at $37 ($74 total), and you'll have a visitor value for each of those 100 people of $0.74.

Recurring Membership

The average conversion rate for a recurring membership site is often less than the traditional one product sale model; it's generally 1% or less. So let's now assume now that you're going to charge $17 per month, rather than the original $37 product price point. But we start to encounter churn with monthly billing. In our experience, the average membership stick rate is between three and five months.

So for every 100 visitors, we'll get one membership sale, and that customer can be expected to stick around for approximately four months. That means you're going to generate $68 in revenue from that one signup (four x $17 = $68). That gives you an average visitor value of $0.68. When you use the membership model, you can also put backend offers in place. So once you already have a paid member, you can assume additional backend sales and commissions from that member - around $5 per month.

Now you have that one member, and they're paid the $17 for the first month - will likely do so for about four months - and they're also worth an additional $5 per month over that same period of time. So now you have $88 from that signup, and the average visitor value for the 100 visitors is $0.88.

Single-Payment Membership

The next structure is a paid membership with a single payment. Your conversion rate will increase because you're asking people to make less of a commitment, and a membership generally has a higher perceived value than a simple product sale. You can expect a conversion rate of 2.5% to 3%.

Because there is less commitment, you can charge more still keep the conversion rate up. So let's assume a one-time fee of $37 instead of that $17 recurring. Now your churn goes way down. The customers have already paid, so very few of them will actually terminate their membership. You'd be safe in calculating an average stay of 12 months.

So the calculation is as follows: You're going to see a 3% conversion rate, and the total one-time fees are going to be 3 x $37 = $111. Factoring in the backend offers ($5 a month per paid member), and over 12 months you're looking at $180 in backend sales and commissions, for total revenue of $291. This brings your visitor value up to $2.91.

But there's an alternative model that blows all three of these out of the water when it comes to down to making money for you - the Freemium model.

The Freemium Model.

The Freemium model is basically a free membership with an upgrade offer. It works like this: you put a "free" offer in place on the front end of the site (in a later article we'll discuss how to make this free offer not appear to be "free" - and why you'll want to do so), and you're likely to see a front end conversion rate around 35%.

If you then place a compelling offer on the backend, you'll see a conversion rate between 5% to 10% on that offer. It's often much higher, so let's use 10% for our analysis.

This means that for every 100 visitors - you're going to get 35 free members, and then a 10% conversion rate on these 35 members on the backend. So what you end up with on average is 31.5 free members and 3.5 paid members.

On your front end that's 3.5 x $37 = $129.50. The paid member back-end value is $5 x 12 Months x 3.5 People = $210. The free member back-end value is $1.50 x 12 Months x 31.5 People = $567. Adding these amounts and you have $129.50 + $210 + $567 = $906.50, so your average visitor value is $9.06.

That's a big difference from the more "traditional" models we discussed above (and more than 10 times higher the most common product sale model)!

Here we've opened the doors, we hope, for a lot of people to recognize that this Freemium model is a very profitable model.

Mahalo/Thanks again to Simon Hodgkinson & Jeremy Gislason for sharing their wisdom & experience.
Learn More About Free-Premium MemberSites Here